Contract design for the 24-hour care

Hiring a 24-hour carer includes numerous responsibilities, especially for the employer. In addition to the organisational challenge of finding a suitable employee and ensuring their integration into the everyday life of the person receiving care, legal aspects are also of central importance. A carefully...

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Dealing with sexuality in children: A guide

Dealing with sexuality in children is a sensitive and often misunderstood topic. It is crucial that parents, educators and society approach this topic in an appropriate way to promote healthy sexual development and a healthy self-image in children. This article looks at different aspects of children’s...

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Music therapy and dementia: a way to promote well-being

Dementia is one of the most challenging and complex diseases of our time, which has a profound impact not only on the lives of those affected, but also on those of their relatives. The search for effective treatment options therefore goes far beyond purely medicinal approaches. One of these non-pharmacological...

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Siblings – a very special relationship

Sibling relationships are complex, profound and multi-faceted. They shape our lives from an early age and influence our personality development, our social behaviour and our emotional well-being. These special bonds between siblings are characterised by a unique mix of closeness, rivalry, support...

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Farewell culture: From living to dying

Saying goodbye to life is a deeply moving and unavoidable experience that affects everyone. A farewell culture encompasses far more than just caring for the dying; it creates a special framework to provide space for the sensitive topic of dying and death. In our society, this topic is often avoided...

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Understanding and mastering wobbly teeth puberty

Wobbly tooth puberty, also known as the six-year crisis or milk tooth puberty, is a phase of emotional and physical changes in children between the ages of five and eight. This phase usually begins at the same time as the first milk teeth wobble and the permanent teeth erupt. During this time, children...

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Heat in summer: protecting the elderly and those in need of care

Heatwaves are stressful for many people, but they are particularly dangerous for senior citizens. There is no universal temperature that affects all senior citizens to the same extent. After all, the tolerance of heat depends on many factors. As a guideline, however, we can say that prolonged temperatures...

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Drivers in old age: Between quality of life and traffic safety

In Germany, there is no age limit for driving licences and it is not uncommon to see drivers over the age of 75. Older people are often reluctant to part with their car as driving in old age allows them to lead an independent life. Being able to go to the supermarket at the weekend, get to the doctor...

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Self-care for parents

Self-care is an essential element of parenting that is often neglected but is of vital importance. In the constant drive to be there for our children and fulfil their needs, parents often forget about their own needs and desires. But why is it so important for parents to look after themselves? What...

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