How do I encourage my child’s motivation to read?

Each year the “Medienpädagogische Forschungsverbund Südwest“ conducts a survey within children and youths regarding their media behavior. The last survey (KIM– and JIM-Studie)  from 2020 implies that the reading behavior hasn’t significantly changed within the last few years, but that the reading activity from 12 years on forward decreased and the proportion of nonreaders was distinctly higher upon boys than girls.

For many children reading can pose a huge challenge and frustration can easily arise. But with reading being a key competence and therefore playing a huge role regarding educational and future opportunities, it is important to foster and preserve the joy of reading.

Viva has accumulated a few useful tips to prevent you as parents and your child from getting devastated while reading:

  1. Be patient. Every child takes its own time to learn the basics. It is no problem if it takes a little bit longer. It is most important for your child to have fun and to not get frustrated.
  2. Keep on reading aloud for your child. The shared time supports the learning process and strengthens your bond. The transition from being read to and to read independently can be made easier if your read in tandem. There are a lot of books which can be read together.
  3. Try to motivate your child to also read in its free time, so that reading isn’t always schoolwork and therefore mandatory. Think about interesting topics or stories together.
  4. It is secondary which device your child uses for reading. It isn’t necessary that your child only reads from books. Children grow up with all kinds of media- tablets, smartphones, or apps. Find out together which tool your child likes the most.


More tips, aids or ideas for age-appropriate books can be found under and


Photo by Michał Parzuchowski on Unsplash

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